Friday, December 16, 2005

Overrated Schmoverrated

Maybe, just maybe everything that surrounds us is highly overrated. Even the stuff people claim, they don't care of are given too much of steam. Everything about everything has a denomination assigned to its essence.

Things we make a big deal about:
Meeting Amitabh Bachchan
Getting your video taken for BBC
Making it on page 3
Drinking at the party
Cracking an insanely hilarious joke
Misplacing a credit card
Forgetting to turn off the lights before bedtime
Gabriel and Lucifer
The perpetual debate of good and bad
Eating too much
Eating too little
Filthy thoughts (a lot of us have them, the rest are fucking weirdos or have double standards)
Doing an MBA.
The MBA's the worst of it yet. I'd love to do my MBA as well but when I look around at how desperately people want to jump onto the bandwagon and ride off into a moolah filled job it fuckin' pisses me off. I can't believe people actually leave work to sit at home for months on end claiming that they study for the examinations. Get a fuckin grip on what you wanna do. Decide, on whether you want to do it at all. Half the assholes who get a highly paid job don't even know how to spend what they earn. Hell, I bet half of them don't even spend it - fuckin tightfisted freeloaders. And to top it off they go ahead and evangelise about their pompous efforts and enunciate on how everyone should get serious about life.
To all you stingy mofos - Fuck You!
And the next time one of you bastards come up to me and try and shoot your garbage about how quickly we need to do an MBA, God save you bitch.